Does violent media really help kids with what Gerard Jones calls "soul hood"? Maybe it helps some kids but for many it corrupts their mind. Gerard says" We send the message to our children in a hundred ways that their craving for imaginary gun battles and symbolic killings is wrong, or at least dangerous." Stating that violent media gives kids the wrong visual of how they view things in reality. Kids play violent media games for entertainment and actually take everything they see in the game literally. My 16 year old friend from High School has a game called Grand Theft Auto (GTO). He seems to enjoy the game very much, he plays it often. One day he took it upon himself to react to the game in a negative way. Based off of information some kids take things differently because of personal home experience. Gerard says" I heard pop psychologists insisting that violent stories are harmful to kids, heard teachers begging parents to keep their kids away from junk culture." Honestly I think violent media is a bad source for kids because kids copy everything they see, it tends to separate them from being calm and respectful.
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